Uppercase Lowercase Match Up

In the early years it is important to introduce children to both uppercase and lowercase letters. This simple matching game will help children to recognise the shapes of the uppercase and lowercase letters. 

Lowercase letters are normally taught first. They are easier to write and since they appear much more frequently in written text, they are highly beneficial to young readers. But it is important to focus on both lowercase and uppercase shapes. 

For this activity:

  1. Print or write letter cards for both uppercase and lowercase letters and laminate if possible. 
  2. Use two coloured papers and ask your child to separate the upper and lowercase letters onto different papers. 
  3. Play a game, youngest goes first.
  4. Take turns, find matching uppercase and lowercase letters and put them together as a pair. 
  5. If the pair is mismatched, lose a turn.
  6. Continue until all letters are used.


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