Alphabet Match-Up Game

Recognising and matching initial sounds is fun with this magnetic alphabet phonics activity. See if your child can match each picture to the right letter. Use a mix of upper and lower case letters for an extra challenge.

This magnetic alphabet match-up game will help children progress with their phonics knowledge. It is important that children are able to recognise both lowercase and uppercase letters. Using magnetic letters creates a fun, hands-on activity for children. 

For this activity:

  1. Use a metal tray, simple photos and magnetic letters to create this easy activity. 
  2. Ask your child to identify the initial sound in each picture. 
  3. When they find the corresponding magnetic letter, they can put it on top of the picture.
  4. Continue until all the pictures have their initial letter sounds. 
  5. Extra challenge: Can they use the magnetic letters to spell out any of the pictures? How many of the words can they spell?

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