Showing 106–120 of 190 results
Number lines are a great tool for helping children develop greater flexibility in mental arithmetic when adding or subtracting.
Recognising and matching initial sounds is fun with this magnetic alphabet phonics activity. See if your child can match each picture to the right letter. Use a mix of upper and lower case letters for an extra challenge.
Looking for ways to make spelling easier for kids? Chunking or segmenting is a useful spelling strategy which will help them remember how to spell longer words.
Learning how to double numbers can be tricky. Make it a fun, visual and hands-on activity using our simple painting activity.
This fun and easy letter recognition matching game helps children develop speed and accuracy with identifying letter sounds out of order.
Boost reading and spelling skills with CVC word family towers. Use building blocks to make towers of rhyming words and learn to identify common word families.
Making sticker patterns is a fun way to encourage concentration, classification skills and fine motor abilities.
This dancing raisins science experiment is a fun and easy way to explore gases and how they differ from liquids and solids.
Scrabble is great fun but for younger children, it is better to start with a simplified version. This game is great for blending and practising the spelling of CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
Use a 'Magic e’ spelling wheel to show how this spelling magic works! A silent ‘e’ at the end of words makes the vowel say its own name, changing the vowel sound from short to long.
Help children understand the concept of addition by making it visual and hands-on. Use Mega Bloks/Building Blocks to solve simple addition problems.
2D velcro shapes are easy and fun to make. Lolly sticks are a great resources to use when experimenting with shape.
In the early years it is important to introduce children to both uppercase and lowercase letters. This simple matching game will help children to recognise the shapes of the uppercase and lowercase letters.