Easy Block Addition

Help children understand the concept of addition by making it visual and hands-on. Use Mega Bloks/Building Blocks to solve simple addition problems.

Building blocks are useful for simple addition problems, because they come in singles, doubles, triples or quadruples. By combining them together you can make simple, visual addition problems to solve.

For this activity:

  1. Begin by letting your child separate the blocks by size so they are in individual piles.
  2. Ask your child to choose two blocks from any pile.
  3. Use a white board to form your addition sentence. Place the block on the top and write the number underneath. Use the addition and equals signs and use the proper vocabulary.
  4. How many blocks are there altogether? Count them and write the answer on the board.
  5. Challenge your child by writing an addition sentence and asking them to create it using the blocks. 
  6. Challenge your children more by adding three or more numbers together. 

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