Visual Number Bonds to 10

Explore visual number bonds to 10 with hands-on activities to help early learners understand numbers and progress towards addition and subtraction. Children need to be able to quickly recognise the number pairs that add to 10.

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For this activity:

  1. You will need: 10 objects, whiteboard or paper, number cards (download included) from 0 to 10, with two number 5s.
  2. Find 10 objects to use – lolly sticks, straws, lego blocks etc.
  3. Take your whiteboard or piece of paper and divide it in half with a ruler or other object.
  4. Explore different ways that the 10 items can be divided into the halves.
  5. Each time you have a new number bond, find the number cards to match each side and write the number bonds down on a separate piece of paper in a number sentence, e.g. ‘3 + 7 = 10’
  6. Repeat until all number bonds have been found. Discuss, is 2 + 8 the same as 8 + 2?

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