Rhyming Word Towers
Boost reading and spelling skills with CVC word family towers. Use building blocks to make towers of rhyming words and learn to identify common word families.
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Identifying rhyming patterns is an important step in reading development. This activity is great for CVC (consonant – vowel – consonant) reading practice and will help to identify common word families.
What is a word family? Words that rhyme because they share the same middle and end letter pattern. For example – sun, fun, pun, run.
For this activity:
- Identify different word families of CVC words. I suggest starting with the following word families:
- set, yet, met, bet
- rot, dot, not, cot
- mat, sat, hat, cat
- Write each word on a post-it note, cut it out and stick it onto a building block.
- Scatter the blocks around and ask your child to try reading each word.
- After reading the words, ask if they can spot any patterns in the words. Are there any rhyming words? How do we know words are rhyming?
- Begin to build towers of each set of rhyming words. Can any other words be added to the towers? Add them to any unused blocks.
- Once your child has mastered CVC words, challenge them by doing this activity with CVCC words (duck, luck, muck, suck, tuck etc.).
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