Recycled Bottle Cap Counting

Recycle plastic bottle caps for this simple, hands-on counting activity which also practices fine motor skills.

For this activity:

  1. You will need a piece of cardboard or stiff card, 15 bottle caps, glue and pompoms or other counting materials. 
  2. Write the numbers 1 to 5 down the side of the card. Glue the appropriate number of upside down bottle caps in a row beside each number.
  3. Provide a bowl of pompoms or other easy to grasp objects that can be used for counting. 
  4. Ask your child to name the first number. Encourage them to take an object and fill the bottle cap beside number one. 
  5. Continue to fill up the bottle caps, counting out each number. 
  6. For an extra challenge, use tongs to move the object from the bowl to the bottle cap and increase the numbers to 10. 

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