Marshmallow Estimating & Counting

Marshmallows aren’t just good in hot chocolate, they are great for making maths fun and hands-on! Estimate then count the number of small and large marshmallows needed to fill a cup.

Use large and small marshmallows for this estimating and counting maths activity.

For this activity:

  1. You will need a small cup or mug and a bag of small and large marshmallows. 
  2. First, estimate how many large marshmallows will be needed to fill the cup. Write the estimate on a paper or whiteboard. 
  3. Fill the cup with large marshmallows and then count how many marshmallows it took to fill the cup. Write the answer on the paper or whiteboard.
  4. Compare the estimate with the answer. How close was the estimate to the answer? Older children can calculate the difference between the numbers. 
  5. Repeat the same activity with the small marshmallows.
  6. Eat the marshmallows!

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