Making Words from Christmas

Word building is a fun and easy way to practice spelling skills. Having letters to physically manipulate and experiment with is really important.

For this activity:

  1. Christmas is a great word to use because there are so many smaller words that can be made using its letters.
  2. Depending on your child’s readiness, you can provide visual cues to help them think of words. Provide pictures of words like ‘star’, ‘cat’, ‘shirt’ or ‘chair’ to prompt them to find more tricky words. 
  3. Once they sound out the word they can use the letters to build it.
  4. Challenge them to see how many 3 letter, 4 letter and 5 letter words they can make.
  5. For older children, you can set a timer and see how many words they can come up with in a set time.

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