Chinese New Year Dragon Craft

Celebrate Chinese New Year with this fun and easy dragon craft activity for kids. Make this simple dragon with a used toilet roll and egg carton

Materials: empty toilet roll tube, brown, orange, pink and grey coloured paper (or paint), googly eyes, yellow and black markers, glue, scissors, instructions:

For this activity:

  1. Cover a toilet roll tube with green-coloured paper to make the dragon’s body
  2. Grab an empty egg carton and cut off a 2-egg section. Turn it upside down and colour or paint it green
  3. Glue googly eyes into the indents on the underside of the egg carton section you removed. If you don’t have eyes you can cut-out and glue small circles of white paper, drawing big eyeballs with a black marker
  4. Glue the egg carton eye section onto the body you made earlier
  5. Draw two nostrils with a black marker
  6. Glue strips of yellow, red and orange coloured paper into the mouth of the dragon.


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