Double Consonants Around the House

Double consonants can be very tricky to master. It is easy for children to forget that there are double letters as they only hear one sound. Use household items to spot double letters hiding in words. 

It is important to introduce as many double consonant words as possible so that young learners will begin to understand the concept quickly and will apply it to their spelling. There are so many items around the house that fall into this category.

For this activity:

  1. Have a quick look around the house and find items which are spelled with double letters.
  2. Use wooden or plastic letters to spell the words. 
  3. Make word cards for each item, writing all the letters except the double letters. Can your child fill in the missing double letters?
  4. Look for patterns, what letters are usually doubled? Are they vowels or consonants? 
  5. Can you use the word in a sentence?


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