Easy Scrabble Word Game

Scrabble is great fun but for younger children, it is better to start with a simplified version. This game is great for blending and practising the spelling of CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. 

For this activity:

  1. Download, print and laminate the game board and letters included as a download.


  1. Create your own rules based on the child’s level. A sensible place to start is with 3 letter CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. Try to connect them with common letters on the grid.


  1. For additional practice, write the words down at the bottom of the page to keep track of how many words have been made.


  1. The alphabet cards were great to experiment with physically making the word before writing it down.


  1. As the child progresses, you can create longer words on a larger grid. For added competition, start assigning points per letter and keep score! 

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