Oragami Easter Bunny Bookmark

Follow the simple steps to create a cute origami Easter bunny bookmark. All you need is a square piece of paper, markers and glue. Origami is so beneficial for children - it helps them to think and find solutions, improves their diligence and accuracy, helps them learn to follow the instructions and is a great way to channel their creativity and imagination.

For this activity:

  1. You will need: oragami 
  2. Use origami paper or cut a coloured paper into a square shape.
  3. Fold the square paper diagonally in both directions.
  4. Fold into a triangle and fold the front flap down. 
  5. Fold both side corners into the centre point.
  6. Fold the side corners to meet the top centre point.
  7. Tuck the top corner behind the middle fold.
  8. Repeat on the other side. 
  9. Fold the flap inside and flip over.
  10. Decorate with bunny ears, nose, mouth, whiskers and eyes. 

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