Rhyming Words Memory Game

This rhyming words memory matching game is a fun way to spot patterns in rhyming words. 

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Finding rhyming patterns in words takes practice and patience. Use this memory matching game to find sound patterns in the words. 

For this activity:

  1. Print and cut out the word cards.
  2. Match the rhyming cards together.
  3. Discuss the letters in each word. Do all the rhyming words have the same letter pattern? 
  4. Look carefully at the pairs “street-treat” and “beds – heads” and discuss the letters used to make the sound. Talk about how different digraphs (combination of two letters representing one sound) can make the same sound as in these word pairs.
  5. Flip over the cards and mix them up.
  6. Play the memory game taking turns to flip over two cards trying to find matching pairs. If you find a matching pair then you can take another turn. 
  7. At the end, the player with the most pairs wins.

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