Letter Colour Sorting Game

This hands-on letter and colour sorting game is easy to prepare and is a fun way to practice letter and colour recognition skills.

It is easy to prepare this letter, colour-sorting game. All you need is some colourful plastic or wooden letters, a piece of paper and some coloured pencils or pens. 

For this activity:

  1. Decide on your focus colours and find letters to match those colours. Put these letters into a bag or envelope.
  2. Draw a coloured circle on the paper for each of the colours you are focussing on. Write the name of the colour on the inside of each circle. 
  3. Ask your child to take a letter from the bag and decide which circle to place the letter in. 
  4. When all of the letters have been sorted, ask your child to identify each letter sound.
  5. Extra challenge: Can you spell any words using these letters? Can you find something around the house that starts with each letter?

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