Digraph Sorting Activity

The first step to learning digraphs is being able to identify them in common words. This simple sorting activity is a fun way to introduce digraph sounds.

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A digraph is a combination of two letters representing one sound, for example “ee”, “ay” or “sh”. There are consonant digraphs, which are usually taught first, and vowel digraphs.  

For this activity:

  1. Print the Digraph Sorting Activity sheet and cut out the words and digraph labels. Alternatively, write out the words and labels.
  2. Find a sorting tray or multiple bowls and attach the digraph labels. 
  3. Ask your child to identify the sound each digraph makes.
  4. Your child should choose a word, read it aloud and decide which digraph it contains.
  5. Continue to sort each word into the appropriate section.
  6. The next step is playing around with these digraphs. What letters can you take away or add to make different words? For example: with “boat” you can change the “b” to a “c” to make “coat”.
  7. Extra challenge 1 – can they use each word in a sentence?
  8. Extra challenge 2 – can they think of any different words containing one of the digraphs? 


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