Alphabet Letter Search

Fun with phonics means simple, hands-on activities. This easy alphabet game will help with letter recognition and fine motor skills.

This alphabet search activity is very easy to set up. All you need are some wooden or plastic letters (or even letter cards), a bag, paper and markers.

For this activity:

  1. Choose 6-8 target letters and write them multiple times on a sheet of paper.
  2. Find these 6-8 plastic or wooden letters and put them into a bag. 
  3. Ask your child to pull a letter out of the bag. They should say the sound and, if possible, think of a word that starts with that sound.
  4. Find that letter on the paper, circling it every time it appears.
  5. Continue until all the letters are circled.
  6. Extra challenge: Can you count how many there are of each letter? Which letter appears the most? Which letter appears the least?

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