Finding Fractions of Numbers

This is an easy, hands-on way of teaching fractions of a number. Find a quarter of a number with a paper plate and play dough!

Fractions is a visual topic that needs to be taught with hands-on, discovery activities. 
For this activity:
1. Take a paper plate and divide it into 4 sections by drawing 2 perpendicular marker lines.
2. Choose a target number which is divisible by 4. Make the same number of play dough balls.
3. Ask you child to divide the play dough balls, one-by-one, into each section. Make sure they do this methodically so the balls are divided evenly.
4. Continue until all the play dough balls are gone.
5. What is a quarter of the number? Count how many play dough balls there are in one quarter section.
6. Write the maths sentence (for example: 8 ÷ 4 = 2) on a whiteboard to consolidate the learning!

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