Top Tips for Boosting Resilience in our Children

What is resilience and how can it benefit our children?

Resilience is more than just being “able to cope” or being “tough”, it is more to do with fostering the social and emotional strength that is necessary to be self-aware and emotionally literate — skills that are hard to define and target, especially in younger children.

Please read our top tips for boosting resilience in your children. 

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Identifying emotions and then learning how to deal with them is a massive learning curve for younger kids.

As children mature, they are faced with both academic and social challenges and their level of resilience will determine how they cope with these situations.

As parents, our natural response is to shield our children from stress, but, instead, we need to give them the tools to positively deal with stressful situations.

Being resilient does not mean that your kids won’t experience difficulty or distress. It means they will know how to cope with the situation.  

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