Time Capsule for Kids

Making time capsules is a fun summer activity for families and kids. Kids will love finding special items to place inside the box for the future.

For this activity:

  1. You will need: any empty box, tape, plastic wrap, items to place inside. 
  2. A time capsule is a fun way for kids to reflect on who they are, so include items that are meaningful and may provide insights into who they are at that moment in time. 
  3. Here are some suggestions of items that can be put in the capsule: drawings or photos of their favourite memories, certificates of achievement from school, predictions for the future, list of favourite toys and movies, tracings of their hand and foot, small meaningful objects they don’t mind parting with, a grocery receipt showing the prices of food, a “Things I am good at” list. 
  4. Place objects into the box and seal it with tape. If you are going to bury it, make it water tight by wrapping with plastic wrap and sealing with tape. Otherwise find a place in the house where it will not be seen for a long time. 
  5. Decide on a time frame – when will you open the time capsule, in one year? Two years?

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