High Frequency Word Painting
Have fun with high frequency word practice! Using paint brings fun and colour into this spelling activity. Simply sketch out the words to focus on in pencil and let your child trace over them with paint.
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High frequency words or sight words are those that occur frequently in writing. These 100 words make up 50 percent of the words we read. Children should be explicitly taught high-frequency words in addition to phonics rules. Many of these words, such as the, is, to and are, do not follow commonly taught phonics rules and cannot be sounded out. The only way a child can read these words is to recognize them by sight. Also, recognising the most commonly used words by sight will make a child a faster and more fluent reader.
For this activity:
- Choose 5 – 10 high frequency words to focus on.
- Sketch these words lightly in pencil onto plain white paper.
- Provide a variety of poster or acrylic paint and cotton buds.
- Children can use the cotton bud as a paint brush to paint over each letter to spell the high frequency words.
- Once the paint is dry, cover the word and ask your child to spell it, uncovering each letter as they say them.
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