Funny Bones Skeleton Craft Idea

This cotton bud skeleton is a fun craft activity for any time of year. Get into the spirit by reading a spooky halloween book like 'Funnybones' or by teaching your child about Day of the Dead.

For this activity:

  1. Read the book Funnybones. It tells the story of three skeletons — an adult, a child and a dog.  
  2. Alternatively, teach your child about the Day of the Dead festival.
  3. Introduce the concept of skeletons being the structure of our body.
  4. Look at images of x-rays online and explore what real skeletons look like.
  5. Create your own skeleton using ear cleaners as the ‘bones’.
  6. Use black-coloured paper for the background. Cut ear cleaners into halves and glue them down to make a simple skeleton picture.
  7. Cut out a skull from white paper and your skeleton is complete!

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