Making Rain Experiment

In this simple science experiment, introduce children to the water cycle. Demonstrate the basic concept of how rain is formed with this hands-on activity.

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Clouds form when water vapour (an invisible gas) rises into the air and changes into water droplets, which form on small particles, like dust. The cold temperatures higher in the atmosphere cause them to release heat and change back into liquid. When water droplets grow heavy enough, gravity pulls them down as raindrops.

For this activity:

  1. Boil water and pour it into a glass jar.
  2. Put a bowl over the top of the jar, trapping the steam inside.
  3. Fill the bowl with ice cubes to cool down the temperature. Observe droplets of water form on the bottom of the bowl and drop down into the jar.
  4. Predict, observe and draw what happens during the experiment using the Junior Scientist Worksheet.

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