Fizzy Lemonade Experiment

This experiment explores the chemical reaction that occurs when you combine acid and base compounds. When these two substances are combined, they produce carbon dioxide, creating bubbles.

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For this activity:

  1. Discuss the key scientific terms beforehand — acid, base and reaction.
  2. Make a prediction of what will happen before mixing the ingredients together. Record your predictions in the Early Education Zone Junior Scientist Worksheet
  3. You will need 2 lemons.
  4. Strain 1 cup of lemon juice into a glass.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Stir and watch the reaction.
  6. Record your observations on the Junior Scientist Worksheet.
  7. Add another ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, to increase the chemical reaction. Discuss: which was the acid and which was the base?
  8. Add some sugar to the experiment and taste the results. How does it feel in the mouth? Can you feel the bubbles? 
  9. Don’t forget to record your conclusions.

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