Turkey Finger Painting

Have sensory fun, learn about colours and shapes and improve fine motor skills and coordination with this finger painting Thanksgiving Turkey Activity. Finger painting is a fun way to decorate a homemade Thanksgiving card for family or friends.

For this activity:

  1. If you’re worried about your kid making too much mess, use paint sticks that won’t drip everywhere.
  2. Start with the outer-circle of feathers for the turkey, doing fingerprints in a semicircle.
  3. Next, do an outer-ring of yellow fingerprints inside the red.
  4. Finish with a thumb print of brown in the centre.
  5. When the paint is dry, draw in the legs, beak and eyes.
  6. This is a great keepsake for Thanksgiving. The finger painting can be used to create name cards for the Thanksgiving dining table.



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