Paper Plate Christmas Tree

Make your own miniature Christmas Tree with this simple craft idea for preschoolers. All you need is a paper plate, popsicle stick, glue and paint!


  1. Paint the paper plate green and cut it into quarters. 
  2. Cut-out a brown rectangle shape from the paper and stick it on the bottom of the popsicle stick.
  3. Glue one of the quarters of the paper plate on to the top of popsicle stick, covering the top of the brown rectangle.
  4. Glue two more quarters on top of this, each one slightly further down the lolly stick.  Use the last quarter if you want an extra long tree. 
  5. Decorate your tree with any craft materials you have on hand – sequins, paint, felt tip pens. Don’t forget the star on top of the tree.  

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