Marshmallow Number & Place Value

Place value is a very important concept in understanding numbers. Learn 2-digit place value with visual, hands-on learning. Use large and small marshmallows to build 2-digit numbers for a fun maths lesson.


  • Large and small marshmallows
  • Whiteboard and 2-digit number cards (if available).


  1. Draw a place value table on the whiteboard with a column for tens and units. 
  2. There are many different ways to use this activity to reinforce place value. Introduce the large marshmallows as representing 10 and the small marshmallows representing units. 
  3. Give children a 2-digit number to construct using the marshmallows and the place value table. They should write the number under the marshmallows. 
  4. Ask children to choose a 2-digit card from a pile. When they have identified the number they should create it with marshmallows. 
  5. As an extra challenge, you can use this concept to introduce column addition – choose 2 numbers from the pile and create them with marshmallows stacked on top of each other in the place value chart.
  6. Add vertically starting with the units column, add the marshmallows together and write the answer underneath.  If there are more than 10 small marshmallows, children can exchange it for a large marshmallow which can be “carried” to the tens column.
  7. Next, add the tens column together and write the answer underneath. 

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