Skip Counting for Multiplication

Skip counting is a crucial first step in teaching multiplication. Counting forward using numbers other than 1 will help children begin to notice number patterns. Start with 2s, 5s and 10s.

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For this activity:

  1. Start with 2s, 5s and 10s.
  2. Print (& preferably laminate) the skip counting worksheet included for this activity.
  3. Choose your focus number (you should start with 2s) and colour in all the multiples of your chosen number on the sheet.
  4. Practise counting in multiples of your chosen number. 
  5. At the same time, create groups of your chosen number for a visual representation of skip counting. This is critical in reinforcing the concept. Practise counting these objects. 
  6. Soon your child will be able to do this from memory, so cover up the highlighted numbers with post-it notes and try to skip count from memory.

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