Post-it Maths Matching Game

This post-it maths game introduces early maths skills including number recognition and basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Make maths fun with simple, hands-on practise. This game is fun to play together and can be modified for any level.

By matching each sum to the correct answer, children will gain an important understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics.

Switching between the four mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division) can be a challenge so this post-it maths matching game is a fun way to practise different operations on one game board.

For this activity:

  1. Make a grid with numbers on it (the answers). 
  2. On each post-it note, write a maths question to match each number on the grid. 
  3. Use the operations you want your child to practise. 
  4. Once your child can match each question with the answer on the board, challenge them to write their own different addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions for each answer!

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