Making Tens in Different Ways

Practise number bonds to 10 with this fun and easy hands-on maths activity using a whiteboard and physical manipulatives. 


  • whiteboard (or plain paper)
  • whiteboard pens
  • 10 objects for children to use as the manipulatives


  1. Draw two empty boxes on the whiteboard, with a ‘+’ sign in the middle and ‘=10’ on the far right.
  2. Ask the child to use the 10 objects and separate them into the two boxes. Underneath they can write the two numbers that add up to 10. 
  3. Continue finding different ways to add to 10. Write them on a separate piece of paper. 
  4. Next, draw three boxes on the whiteboard showing them added together to equal 10.
  5. Ask the child to use the 10 objects and separate them into the three boxes. Underneath they can write the three numbers that add up to 10.
  6. How many different ways are there with three numbers?

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