Egg Carton Addition to 10

Learning to add to 10 is an important early maths skill. Make practise of these number bonds hands-on by using an empty egg carton and plastic eggs. 

For this activity:

  1. You will need an empty egg carton with 10 spaces (you can cut down larger carton if necessary), plastic eggs and number cards or plastic/wooden numbers.
  2. Ask you child to put one egg in each space and count them. How many are there in total?
  3. Choose a number and ask your child to take out that many eggs from the carton. How many eggs are left? For example, if they choose the number 3, remove 3 eggs from the carton and count the 7 that are left. This means that 7 plus 3 more will equal 10. Build this addition number sentence using your numbers. 
  4. Continue finding different ways of making 10. Record all of the different ways on a paper or whiteboard to keep track. 
  5. Once your child has a grasp of the 10 number bonds, try and relate this to subtraction. Can they build a subtraction number sentence for each number bond. For example, if 3 + 7 = 10 then 10 – 7 = 3. Demonstrate the subtraction using the egg carton and plastic eggs. 

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