Recycled Bottle Cap Fish Artwork

Create beautiful recycled artwork using old bottle caps to make this simple, easy-to-create masterpiece, suitable for all ages.

For this activity:

  1. You will need: old bottle caps, blue paper, green tissue paper, glitter pens, coloured paper cut into triangles (for tails), googly eyes, glue.
  2. Glue triangles onto blue paper. 
  3. Glue googly eyes onto bottle caps. 
  4. Glue bottle caps onto triangles to create the body of the fish.
  5. Decorate the bodies of the fish with glitter pens. 
  6. Twist and crumple the tissue paper and glue down, filling in the gaps between the fish.
  7. Add bubbles using the glitter pens. 
  8. Your artwork is complete! 


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