2D Velcro Stick Shapes

2D velcro shapes are easy and fun to make. Lolly sticks are a great resources to use when experimenting with shape. 

Children should be able to identify basic 2D shapes and their attributes. Making your own 2D velcro stick shapes can be a fun, hands-on way to reinforce this knowledge.

For this activity:

  1. Cut small pieces of velcro and stick them to the end of lolly sticks. 
  2. Begin to build the 2D shape with sticks, talking about how many sides the shape has. 
  3. Use velcro to attach all sides together so that the shape can be picked up.
  4. Make a variety of popular shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, diamond) and discuss the similarities and differences between them.
  5. Discuss what 2D shapes we can’t make with lolly sticks. Why can’t we make a circle? 

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